67 pages 2 hours read

Margaret Atwood

Cat's Eye

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1988

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Parts 13-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 13: “Picoseconds”-Part 15: “Bridge”

Part 13, Chapter 67 Summary

In the present, Elaine walks the route that she used to walk home from school. Girls are playing in the street, and Elaine thinks they are far less unruly than she and her friends were. She thinks maybe this is because they have seen her, an adult, watching. It is Halloween and the porches have pumpkins on them. Elaine thinks about razor blades hidden in apples and about how we refuse to think about or name the dead.

Part 13, Chapter 68 Summary

Elaine remembers Stephen’s death, five years earlier. Stephen was traveling to give a lecture in Frankfurt when his plane was hijacked by terrorists. Elaine knows a lot about what happened from witness accounts. In Stephen’s briefcase was his talk on the composition of the universe. Stephen was made to jump from the plane. Elaine identifies the body, and she wonders whether they shot him before or after throwing him out of the plane. She hopes it was after, so he could experience the freedom of flying for a moment. She thinks about the twins he told her about who aged differently because one was in space. Like them, now she will get older and he will not.

Part 13, Chapter 69 Summary

Elaine’s father dies soon after Stephen; her mother passes away some years later of a slow illness. Before this, Elaine visits her to help clear out their house. They talk about Stephen and about the bad time Elaine had as a child. Her mother wants forgiveness for not protecting her, but Elaine is unsure what the forgiveness is for. They sort through the old trunk in the cellar, where Elaine finds her old photo album, the red purse, and the blue cat’s eye marble, in which she sees “her entire life” (420).

Part 13, Chapter 70 Summary

In the present, Elaine wanders towards where her school was. There is a new building there now. She feels trapped: She wants to move forward and not to be a child forever.

Part 14, Chapter 71 Summary

At the gallery opening, Elaine nervously drinks wine. She looks at each of her paintings, which hang in chronological order. Looking into Mrs. Smeath’s painted eyes, she sees that although they were mean and self-righteous, they were also defeated and sad. She realizes these paintings were her revenge.

Elaine’s newer paintings are larger. First, there is Picoseconds, a landscape with a depiction of her parents making lunch over the campfire and logos from old gas pumps. Then there is Three Muses—paintings of Mrs. Finestein, Miss Stuart, and Mr. Banerji as they appeared to her as a child.

The third painting is One Wing, a triptych she painted for her brother after his death. They depict a World War II airplane and a man falling from the sky holding a wooden sword. Next is Cat’s Eye, a self-portrait. In the background is a pier glass, like that in The Arnolfini Marriage, and in it are reflected three small girls in the snow.

The final painting is called Unified Field Theory and shows the “Virgin of Lost Things” in black on a bridge holding a large cat’s eye marble (430). Below her is the land of the dead people.

Elaine is tempted to set fire to her paintings, feeling like she has lost control of them and of what they mean.

Part 14, Chapter 72 Summary

Elaine waits for Cordelia to arrive at the gallery. She wants to ask her why and to see if she remembers how she treated Elaine. She thinks that they are like twins. Eventually, she takes a taxi home.

Part 14, Chapter 73 Summary

At Jon’s studio, Elaine feels sick. She thinks about her brother once saying, “Cordelia has a tendency to exist” (261). She cries and thinks that Cordelia is dead. Cordelia’s voice responds in her head, saying that she is not dead, but Elaine insists.

Part 15, Chapter 74 Summary

The next day, Elaine feels empty. She walks to the new concrete bridge that replaced the old wooden one and thinks of Stephen’s buried marbles. She remembers thinking that if she jumped off the bridge it would be like diving rather than falling and that it would be a soft way to die.

Elaine recognizes the spot where she fell into the icy water and heard the voice. She knows now that there wasn’t a voice and that nobody was there.

A sound disrupts her reverie, and Elaine knows that there will be someone standing on the path ahead of her. She imagines it is Cordelia, gazing back at her, but that she is older and stronger and more powerful. If Cordelia stays there she will freeze to death. Elaine reaches out to her and tells her to go home.

When she eventually turns she sees that Cordelia has gone; it is just a woman walking her dog. Elaine knows there is nothing more for her there and that the bridge is just a bridge.

Part 15, Chapter 75 Summary

On the plane home to Vancouver, Elaine sits in the window seat and watches two old ladies on a trip together. She misses the kind of friendship they have, not as something from her past but as something that will not happen in her future.

That night, the sky is moonless and full of stars that are echoes of light from millions of years ago. Nevertheless, Elaine thinks, it is enough light to see by.

Parts 13-15 Analysis

The revelation of Stephen’s death is shocking, even though it was suggested at the outset of the novel. The narrative is related through memories Elaine has pieced together from other witnesses and is relatively emotionless and sparse. Stephen and Elaine became increasingly distant from the moment the family moved to Toronto, and the story of his death is more detailed than that of any other part of his adult life. His death brings the previously abstract specter of war and violence into the novel and into Elaine’s adult world; the fact that Elaine imagines his death as a natural disaster again brings up the theme of survival and how one might escape an inevitable fate. It is no coincidence that Stephen himself saw humanity’s doom as inevitable and therefore difficult to mourn.

Stephen’s death also reintroduces the story of the twin who travels in space and returns 10 years younger than his brother. Elaine, like the brother, will continue to age while Stephen remains frozen in time, suspended in a moment of flight as he later is in her artistic depiction of his death. The motif of wings and flight also arises as Elaine imagines the moment of his death as a moment of freedom rather than trauma—an idea that echoes her imagined suicide on the bridge.

With Elaine’s father also dead, her return to her parents’ home (though not the same one in which she grew up) also develops the idea of Memory and the Passage of Time. When she discovers the cat’s eye marble, Elaine is able to “look into it, and see [her] life entire” (420). It is a relic of her childhood trauma and demonstrates how reality is subjectively experienced through the objects and experiences that shape individuals. It also proves the inescapability of the past, which is layered upon the present through the marble and in Elaine’s old neighborhood, which she explores in the novelistic present. The more time she spends in Toronto, the more the past and the present merge; when she sees young girls playing in her old neighborhood, she sees her own childhood mirrored in them. Little seems to have really changed.

Elaine’s retrospective is the ultimate blending of the past and the present; that the exhibit bookends the narrative contributes to the sense that the novel is itself a retrospective of her life. In the gallery, she examines each of her artworks, placing the focus on Vision and Visual Art as each painting shows an aspect of her life through her own unique perspective. Others portray adult role models as she imagined them as a child, underscoring shifting identity across life stages. The painting Cat’s Eye exposes Elaine’s fragmented identity and the way in which she is haunted by the childhood trauma she experienced at the bridge. By contrast, when looking at the images of Mrs. Smeath, Elaine can empathize for the first time with her childhood tormentor and see in her eyes (as she has depicted them) the reason for some of her cruelty; such works provide healing. Still other works integrate important symbols—the bridge, the Virgin Mary, marbles, the cat’s eye, etc. These symbols and meanings accumulate as Elaine examines the paintings, and her concluding thought—that she has lost control over the meaning of her experiences—is a destabilizing one. However, it also suggests that she is ready to begin anew without the burden of these memories holding her back.

Cordelia never arrives at the retrospective (or, presumably, at the measure of peace that Elaine does), and Elaine feels her absence as a constant presence. The novel’s conclusion is one of anticlimax: The long-awaited confrontation with Cordelia never occurs except as an imagined conversation in Elaine’s mind. Revisiting the rebuilt bridge of her childhood, Elaine reflects on the simultaneity of change and preservation. The bridge contains beautiful buried treasures from her past, like marbles, but also repressed traumas. This visit to the bridge is the culmination of her feeling of being in the middle of a bridge. In an imaginary exchange, Elaine assumes power over a projected Cordelia, attempting closure with the past. Though Cordelia never appears, Elaine finds resolution in acknowledging tormentors and events from her youth while embracing their passage into the past. She crosses the bridge into a new, freer future.

The novel concludes with speculation around this future. Elaine’s sadness on the plane home that she will never have a future with Cordelia is paired with her contemplation of the stars in the sky, which represent a distant and totally inaccessible past. The novel concludes on a note of uncertainty and hope: Where the stars were once thought to be eternal, modern science has proved otherwise. No matter what hold the past has over us, it is suggested, time passes and things change.

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