72 pages 2 hours read

Bram Stoker


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1897

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Symbols & Motifs


Blood is the essence of life in Dracula. For vampires, it is the food that allows them to live forever. For mortals, blood is the substance that keeps their hearts beating, and which makes them prey for Dracula. Blood is often the most obvious sign that violence has been done to someone. Blood also has sexual connotations, given its relationship to intercourse, virginity, and fertility. It is also a corrupting force. When Dracula gains access to Mina’s mind, it is because he forces her to drink his blood, mixing it with her own.


Wolves appear throughout the novel, beginning with Jonathan’s journey to Castle Dracula. Wolves symbolize the predatory nature of the vampires. They are feared in the wild, and are willing to attack people in villages if hunger—and a lack of prey—forces them from the woods. Dracula is able to command the wolves, and can also become a wolf. Every appearance of a wolf is threatening, because wolves are always a danger. They are driven by appetite and are fearless fighters.

The Host and the Crucifix

Van Helsing brings communion wafers—known as The Host—from Amsterdam. The wafers act as barriers to evil, particularly the heathen evil of the vampires. The communion wafers represent the body of Jesus Christ. The presence of Christ—with the wafers serving as his proxy—allows Van Helsing to seal off Lucy’s tomb, prevent Dracula from entering his castle, and creating a ring around Mina that the wolves cannot pass. The crucifix also symbolizes the triumph of Christianity as the ultimate sign of Christian authority. Each time the cross appears, it repels a vampire.

The Three Female Vampires

The three women in the castle symbolize aggressive female sexuality. They are overt in their desires and eager to openly display their appetites. During their initial meeting with Jonathan, he is both titillated and appalled. His interactions with Mina have no sexual tension, and his attraction to her is described only in terms of her goodness and innocence. Stoker wrote Dracula during the Victorian era. The three vampire women are the opposite of the faith, modesty, and primness of idealized Victorian women. Their destruction represents the triumph of chasteness and innocence over lascivious appetites.

The Stake

The stake is the weapon that Arthur kills Lucy with. It is an unambiguous phallic symbol, particularly when wielded by Arthur, who was to marry Lucy. A stake has only one purpose: to penetrate. The stake is also a reminder of the consequences of giving in to temptation. Throughout the novel, Stoker reiterates that vampires can only prey on willing victims. Lucy allows Dracula to seduce her. Her death at the point of the stake is her punishment for inviting Dracula—consciously or not—Into her flesh. Stoker describes the act of Lucy’s death in sexual terms. Lucy writhes, moans, and quivers during the penetration. When she is dead, she is restored to her former purity, and Van Helsing allows Arthur to kiss her.

The Czarina Catherine

When Dracula attempts to return to his castle, he does so above the ship the Czarina Catherine. Catherine was a Russian noblewoman with legendarily promiscuous appetites. Dracula’s use of her namesake to escape from chaste Christian men symbolizes the (ultimately futile) battle that evil and sexual licentiousness wage with Christianity and sexual purity. If Mina were to become a vampire, the Czarina Catherine represents the sexual depths to which she would fall.