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Daniel Nayeri

Everything Sad Is Untrue

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Pages 279-352 and Author’s Note

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 279-311 Summary

Daniel interrupts his narrative to say that his father is coming to the United States. His classmates ask question about how it’s possible for someone to come over from Iran because of the war, and Daniel and his teacher must correct them, saying that they aren’t at war with Iran.

He remembers meeting Ali Shekari, a 17-year-old, when they are at the refugee camp in Italy. He was Kurdish, nomads who lived between Iran and Iraq. He had been injured during a chemical bombing. On the last day Daniel saw him, Ali Shekari accidentally broke his ball, which made Daniel cry because it made him feel like he couldn’t have anything that wasn’t broken. When he returned to the camp later that night, Ali Shekari had left his hat for Daniel, who, looking back, wishes he still knew Ali Shekari.

He thinks of the story of the origin of the Kurds Ali Shekari told him, in which a king with snakes for shoulders allowed the creatures to eat the brains of two people a day. Eventually, two heroes came and were able to help one person escape by mixing human brains and sheep brains together to feed the snakes. Those who were able to escape are the ancestors of the Kurds.

Mrs. Miller argues that Daniel has lot the plot, but he tells her within his narration “that she is beholden to a Western mode of storytelling that [he] do[es] not accept and that the 1,001 Nights are basically Scheherazade stalling for time, so [he] do[esn’t] see the difference” (300). She laughs at his response, and he thinks that this quality time is what is important about 1,001 Nights; that it is a sharing of each other.

Daniel asks the reader to imagine being in a refugee camp, waiting for a new life. One might stop caring if they had no home, job, or ability to travel, but he says that his mom refused to wait or waste time. She made it so her children could attend school and to understand that they were living in Italy, even if they were also waiting.

His mom brought them to Karen and John, who were homeschooling their children. They could only use the old used workbooks in the family’s house, and Sima erases the workbooks so that Daniel and his sister can fill them in again. They sit in the back of a class, and Daniel thinks, “You can’t waste time with dignity. You have to scoop up every workbook as soon as it hits the ground like you’re starving” (311). Daniel thinks his mom is “unstoppable,” erasing workbooks for them day after day, but his dad “is the immovable object” (311).

Pages 312-329 Summary

Massoud arrives at Will Rogers Airport, six years after Daniel last saw him. As they hug and talk, Daniel thinks that “It was so quick, becoming a family again” (313). He feels larger than life over the phone, in all the legends and myths of their path, but “now he was so small” (314). He even brings Daniel’s stuffed sheep, who he had to leave behind when they first fled.

At this point, Daniel feels like the reader probably still isn’t even listening, and he says, “I’m sorry I wasted your time” (321).

They pick up Massoud from the motel, and he comes to Daniel’s class. Daniel thinks that his father does not speak any English, but after a rough start, he begins to speak to the class, teasing some students and making them laugh. Daniel translates when his father lacks the words. He also translates as his father tells the story of Rostam, and he talks about the difference between Sistan, a small town where Rostam was a local hero. Dastan, Massoud says, “is the land of stories. The world that we speak” (327). They then share a tray of baklava with the class. Daniel gives the best piece to Mrs. Miller, and he thanks her.

Pages 330-352 Summary

Flashing back, Daniel’s family is eventually granted asylum after being vouched for by an American family whose church had connections with Ellie’s church. This amazes Daniel, who thinks they—Jim and Jean Dawson—are the best of Oklahoma.

In the present, Daniel’s father visits their church. The pastor directs his sermon at Massoud, trying to convert him. Daniel asks if he understands the pastor, and his dad replies, “Doesn’t matter […] Look at him. Let him enjoy himself” (333). This amuses his father, but Ray is furious. He then agrees to be baptized. Daniel is happy, even though he knows that his father won’t really be a Christian and must move to the United States. When he asks his dad if he’s really a Christian, his father says, “I’m your father. I am humanity. I’m everything to everybody” (333). This, Daniel thinks, is his father’s favorite myth.

Massoud takes him to White Water Rapids, a theme park. He runs into his school bully, but he says that they’re “cool.” He then hands Daniel $5 that his dad asked the boy to give him. His father paid him $20 to deliver it, just as he paid other kids to get him fries from the concession stand. This makes Daniel think that “myths are just legends that everybody agrees on,” and, for that day, his father was the king of White Water Rapids (342).

Ultimately, this ends up being Daniel’s last memory of his father. He isn’t welcome because of Ray, and it was already legally difficult for him to get into the United States. Daniel wonders sometimes why he and his sister weren’t enough to keep him close. He thinks that he would never let go of his children.

The next day, they take Massoud to the airport, and when they come home, Ray is working in the garage and is clearly furious. When he comes in, he and Sima fight. She tells the children to go to their rooms, but they don’t move. Ray says the same, but Daniel’s sister refuses. When he gets mad at her, Sima tells him not to talk to Dina, and he slams her against the wall twice. Dina yells at him to stop and he comes toward her, but she threatens to call the police.

Daniel isn’t sure how his mom made it through the situation with Ray and the chaos of their lives after leaving Iran. He wonders if it was maybe hope, maybe a feeling that “some final fantasy will come to pass that will make everything sad untrue” (346).

He asks the reader to again imagine being in a refugee camp, first knowing that at the end of a tough year, there is freedom, but then thinking that every place is filled with difficulty and sadness. He says his mother felt both.

They leave the house, knowing that they are escaping from Ray again. They go to the motel, and Daniel packs his backpack. When his mom wakes up from sleeping off the dizziness of Ray’s abuse, she asks if Daniel is okay. He was thinking about what would’ve happened if Scheherazade ran out of stories and turned to her memories. He asks his mom if she remembers when Baba Haji killed the goat. It is his only real memory of him and he’s afraid it isn’t true. And it isn’t.

The feast, she tells him, wasn’t for Daniel. People asked Baba Haji to kill it so that it didn’t injure anyone. He may still have held Daniel’s face, but not with bloody hands. The feast was one made from a shape. He still would’ve spilled the blood. She goes on to tell Daniel that “[y]ou have to understand that means a blessing. It’s ancient.” (354). It is a show of understanding the sacrifices to get to joy. This makes Daniel realize that one day, they would be whole, even if it took a thousand years.

Author’s Note Summary

Khosrou begins the author’s note by saying, “this time I am thirty-six years old, with a beard, and a job where everyone calls me Daniel” (353). He explains that he began writing this book the moment he learned that his Baba Haji passed away.

He also says that all of this is true, with some modifications like name changes or combining folks together, but he also cautions, “Ah, but remember, a patchwork text is the shame of a refugee” (353). He did not use historical documents or family records since he didn’t have access to them. His mom has emphasized that his father is not as bad as perhaps Khosrou has remembered him.

He finishes by saying, “This was my life as I experienced it, and it is both fiction and nonfiction at the same time” (354). His son is now as old as he was when he left Iran, and he is named for his Baba Haji.

Pages 279-352 and Author’s Note Analysis

The end of the novel is not an objectively happy one. Daniel, his mother, and his sister are holed up in a motel room after Ray hurts Sima again. They are starting over once again. Daniel has made it clear that Sima is the hero of the story, that it is her hope and anticipation that has carried her through and has provided an example of how to make it through terrible situations. It is her “hope that some final fantasy will come to pass that will make everything sad untrue” (346). It is an optimism that carries them forward, a belief that all this suffering is the cost of joy, a lesson that Sima emphasizes was present in Daniel’s earliest experience with Baba Haji, in which he killed the bull. However, it was not a bull that was sacrificed for a feast for Daniel, but a sheep, a blessing. “To step over the river of blood, to accept the sacrifice and be thankful,” Daniel says. “Then we could eat, only after we understand the cost of joy” (351). The trials of Daniel’s life as he has told them are the river, but the joy that they believe will come is a result of this cost. It is a balance.

For Daniel, he learns a lot through the stories he tells. They help to form and shape him. He almost gives up as he nears the end, feeling that his memory is stunted, frustrated that he can only offer us a “patchwork” memory, and he apologizes for “wast[ing] your time” (321). However, his faith is renewed when his father charms his classroom, telling stories, and handing out baklava. Daniel is also able to thank Mrs. Miller in this moment, signifying the end of his 1,001 Nights-like tale. She has been the teacher who both talks to him and who hears him, and she is his favorite teacher.

Additionally, there are several large moments that characterize Daniel’s family. As mentioned above, Daniel reveals his mother to be the “unstoppable” hero (311). However, Dina’s name is given for the first time, as for most of the novel, Daniel only referred to her as his sister. He proudly remembers her defiance of Ray, and while it does not automatically make the two of them best friends, it is a very meaningful moment for Daniel. Likewise, Daniel’s father’s visit plays a huge part in the close of the text. He woos Daniel’s class and his one role as “the king of White Water Rapids” shows Daniel that “myths are just legends that everybody agrees on. The story of my dad […] was just another myth in the making. The way everyday concerns didn’t bother him, the rules he followed that weren’t the normal rules for heroes, all of that—made him interesting” (342). His father was larger than life at times, and he was human at others. For Daniel, it remained a complicated relationship.

Finally, the Author’s Note offers a glimpse into the life of adult Khosrou, who introduces himself by his adult name, though he does have “a job where everyone calls me Daniel” (353). The line between the truth and fiction remains thin, and he repeats once more that “a patchwork text is the shame of a refugee” (353). He knows that this story will not be a perfect representation of his life as it happened, but it is still very much his “life as [he] experienced it, and it is both fiction and nonfiction at the same time” (354). These stories are still a way of remembering and surviving.