41 pages • 1 hour read
Tobias WolffA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics.
Use this activity to engage all types of learners, while requiring that they refer to and incorporate details from the text over the course of the activity.
Activity 1: “Multimedia Collage: Themes, Literary Devices, and Character Development”
In this activity, students will create a physical or digital collage that visually represents various aspects of the story, including at least 3 themes, 3 literary devices, and 3 characters.
Create a physical or digital collage that represents key aspects of the story. Be sure to include at least 3 themes, 3 literary devices, and the 3 main characters in your collage. You can use images, photographs, drawings, magazine cutouts, textures, found objects, sound bites, music, or digital graphics to create a montage that captures the essence of “Hunters in the Snow.”
Part A: Themes
Part B: Literary Devices
Part C: Characters
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