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Brynne Weaver

Leather & Lark

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Important Quotes

Quotation Mark Icon

“Just like in nature, the prettiest things are often the most poisonous.”

(Prologue, Page iii)

This quote highlights a central concept of the novel and foreshadows the thematic importance of The Healing Power of the Arts, given that Lark actively creates art from her most violent and destructive impulses. The quote also sets the ominous tone of the novel and indicates the constant juxtaposition of images and actions that are at once emotionally tender and ethically abhorrent.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I leave Leander behind. But I know I’ll never really get away.”

(Chapter 2, Page 36)

The bleak desperation in Lachlan’s tone highlights the many ways in which his past actions have created a metaphorical cage from which he sees no escape. This quote also serves as an oblique reference to a primary conflict within the novel: the fact that Lachlan has been forced into Leander’s service against his will. He is unable to retire because he ruined a contract with Lark’s family, the Covacis, by treating Lark roughly and violently during their first meeting.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Even after the conversation takes other turns, that feeling stays with me. It’s like there’s a thin thread binding us together. And as Lark seizes the opportunity to slip away to the balcony when she seems to think her absence won’t be noticed, that connection tugs at my chest. Though I spend a few minutes trying to snip it free, it still pulls, and it doesn’t loosen even after I follow.”

(Chapter 3, Page 43)

The complex emotional connections articulated in this quote introduce the novel’s first hints of The Transformative Power of Love and Forgiveness. Even in this early chapter, Lachlan is drawn to Lark almost against his will, and he feels connected to her even though she is a stranger. The unspoken dynamic between them also highlights the “enemies-to-lovers” plot pattern upon which the novel is based.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The worst suffering is not death. It is in living, day after day, knowing you’ve forever lost that which you most cherished. Most loved. Most desired. It’s being forced to continue existing in a world indifferent to your pain. To realize how powerless you are against the tide of God’s wrath.”

(Chapter 4, Page 59)

This quote foreshadows the conflict that will be introduced more fully later in the novel when Lachlan loses Lark. Lachlan’s bleak and cynical view of life also hints at the full extent of the past suffering that he has endured, for it is clear that he now finds it difficult to extend love and trust when he knows that such things can be cruelly snatched away by life’s circumstances.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I know that for all the darkness in their lives, my mom and stepfather love us deeply. Just like my mother loved my dad, Sam. And long before she met my dad, she loved Damian. Her childhood sweetheart. A young love that burned bright but couldn’t survive the demands of time. Or so they must have thought, until my dad passed away and those embers slowly came back to life.”

(Chapter 5, Pages 76-77)

This quote illuminates why the marriage of convenience is vitally important. While Lark’s parents are criminals who have clearly ordered killings in the past, they still respect the sanctity of marriage. Although these characteristics may be contradictory, they also render Lark’s parents more well-rounded, dynamic characters.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Her pinch on my arm is what pulls me away from trying to decode Lark, a woman who can ram some poor bloke into a lake with zero remorse, yet cries so hard at her best friend’s wedding that one of her fake lash clusters fall off. Seriously. That fucker slides right down her cheek and she swipes it into her hand, not giving two shits about anything but Sloane and Rowan.”

(Chapter 6, Page 83)

This quote explores The Challenge of Embracing Authenticity because Lachlan is finally realizing that Lark is more than she appears to be. He now struggles to reconcile her callous actions at their first meeting with her loyalty and love for Sloane and his brother. This seeming contradiction fuels his quest to understand her more deeply, and these efforts will ultimately kindle their authentic love for one another.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I don’t know what he’s thinking, whether it’s hatred or determination or suspicion. I can’t interpret his hard, dark stare or his furrowed brow. All I know for sure is that no one has ever looked at me the way he does now.”

(Chapter 7, Page 111)

This passage shows the continuing conflict between Lark and Lachlan, which was born from early misunderstandings that have yet to be fully addressed and healed. It is only when they begin communicating in earnest that they can finally understand, forgive, and love one another. In the meantime, Lark’s frustrated attempts at analyzing body language emphasize her resistance to communicating with Lachlan in a more meaningful way.

Quotation Mark Icon

“If Lark and I are going to figure out what the hell is going on and get what we both want out of this marriage, we’re going to have to work together. And we can’t do that if she’s falling apart at the seams.”

(Chapter 8, Page 138)

The urgent tone of this quote shows some of Lachlan’s early motivations for helping Lark process and overcome her hidden trauma. At first, his motivations are purely practical, and he is only attempting to help her so that she will become a more apt partner in their mutual hunt for the unknown killer, but as his efforts intensify, his personal feelings quickly deepen in accordance with the enemies-to-lovers plot pattern.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I don’t know what they mean or the story they tell, but I do know a lot about pain and grief. Sometimes, you need to carve the things you’ve lost right onto your skin so you remember what you’ve left behind.”

(Chapter 11, Page 173)

This quote deepens the theme of The Healing Power of the Arts. While Lachlan has been irrevocably scarred by his past, he chooses to cover those scars with meaningful tattoos that mitigate the pain of such experiences by literally inscribing them with a greater meaning. This moment also shows that Lark and Lachlan are growing closer because of their shared understanding of trauma.

Quotation Mark Icon

“With a final glare at each other that doesn’t really sting, we follow my aunt to the front door, our hands still clasped together.”

(Chapter 11, Page 176)

This quote revisits the enemies-to-lovers trope as the protagonists’ wills and strong personalities clash even amid their growing attraction. While Lachlan and Lark are still in some ways at odds, their relationship is softening, and this moment foreshadows the deeper bond that they will soon forge with one another despite the difficulties that they both must face.

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘I do. I chose love,’ I say, unable to bear the weight of the lie about something so precious. ‘We are married. This is the life I chose. He is the man I chose.’”

(Chapter 12, Page 185)

This quote complicates the theme of The Transformative Power of Love and Forgiveness. Although Lark marries for love, she has no initial interest in Lachlan as a romantic partner; instead, she is attempting to protect her best friend Sloane from harm and is willing to lie to her family to do so.

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘I made a vow to Lark. I will protect my wife.’ An electric charge hits my heart. This isn’t real, I remind myself. But the way Lachlan looks at me, really looks at me, I believe him. I might be his wife on paper only, but I know what he’s trying to tell me in a simple glance. He will keep his word.”

(Chapter 12, Page 188)

This quote illustrates the true depths and quality of Lachlan’s character because even though he and Lark are not married in the truest sense, he is still committed to protecting her. His declaration shows that he is a loyal person and is capable of caring deeply for others.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I grin at Lachlan. And though it’s soft and almost shy, he smiles back. And we hunt through the records together.”

(Chapter 13, Page 206)

The uncharacteristic tenderness of this passage indicates that Lark and Lachlan’s relationship is changing for the better as they tentatively extend a new level of trust to one another. As her suspicions and anger soften into gentler emotions, the scene also reveals that the shared hunt for the killer is uniting them in unexpected ways.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I know what it’s like to be so busy looking after everyone else that you forget how to look after yourself. You’re going to burn yourself out that way. And I won’t just sit back and watch it happen, Lark. Not if this place is right here, ready to help.”

(Chapter 14, Page 215)

This quote shows that Lachlan has overcome a primary hurdle that has kept him and Lark apart: his lack of understanding. In this scene, he finally commits to understanding Lark and finding unique ways to connect to her, and the earnestness of his tone implies that he intends to help her regardless of her attempts to resist his attentions.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I try to bury the turmoil I feel, but it’s unstoppable, a molten core that churns in the dark. I can feel it in the heat that radiates from my skin, in the hammer of my pulse beneath the finger that Lachlan lets rest against my neck.”

(Chapter 14, Pages 213-214)

This quote reveals the depth of Lark’s attraction to Lachlan. While they are still not together romantically, the romantic and sexual tension is high.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Enjoy hell, Dr. Campbell. Tell the devil that the Kanes send their regards.”

(Chapter 15, Page 227)

This quote is a perfect example of how the dark romance subgenre blends a wealth of moral ambiguities and outright crimes with the more conventional elements of romance. Although Lark is poised on the edge of committing a vengeful murder, the moment also marks a new degree of closeness and trust between her and Lachlan, for he actively assists her murderous urges in the understanding that doing so will allow her to process her deeply unresolved trauma.

Quotation Mark Icon

“At first, I thought feelings like joy or hope or excitement had been dulled in me, worn down by the tides of an unforgiving world. But I was wrong. Since Lark came into my life, I’ve felt excited every day. It started when I followed Lark onto the balcony the night of Rowan’s restaurant opening, and though it had a vicious edge at first, it gradually transformed. I realized now that I’m excited every single time I see her. The need to push her away has become a desire to pull her closer. I don’t just want to hear her laugh, I need to earn it. Every time I gain a little ground, I want more. I want to break out of the shade and back into her light. Without even realizing it, I’ve become addicted to it. To her.”

(Chapter 15, Page 221)

This quote deepens the theme of The Transformative Power of Love and Forgiveness. Through Lachlan’s love for Lark, he has regained his love for life and found joy again. The cascading nature of his descriptions also highlights the progression of his emotions, and this effusive expression contrasts sharply with his calm and stoic exterior.

Quotation Mark Icon

“A thrill spikes in my veins. This is my calling, my mission from God Himself. He has granted me the means to avenge my brother, Harvey, and then he found for me a greater purpose–to kill the corrupt who protect His murders and to destroy those who stand between me and the justice I seek.”

(Chapter 22, Page 335)

This quote shows the Phantom’s motivations for killing, and it provides a comparison with Lark’s motivations for killing. Just as Lark justifies her killings of predatory men, so does the Phantom justify his killing of people, including Ethel.

Quotation Mark Icon

“There’s a worn path in life that most people take when they wind up married. Fall in love first. Make your vows. But maybe I was never meant to be on it. It surprises me more than anyone when I realize that I’m happy where I am.”

(Chapter 23, Page 340)

This quote deepens The Challenge of Embracing Authenticity. While the world might have certain expectations for how happiness should be achieved, Lark finds herself wildly happy because she has ignored such conventions. This moment shows her growth because she is learning to value her own judgment more than what the world thinks.

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘It’s just that she was my anchor,’ I say as I head to my bedroom. ‘She was steady in every storm. It’s not like I didn’t know it was coming, but I still feel adrift.’”

(Chapter 23, Page 342)

This quote helps to illuminate the relationship between Lark and Ethel, for Lark’s grief over Ethel’s loss is compounded by the fact that the woman can no longer offer Lark her guidance, wisdom, or protection. From this point forward, Lark must learn to trust her own instincts and rely upon her innate strength to solve her own problems.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I rip the map from the wood and throw the door open. Then I run down the hallway, feeling like I’m being burned alive, one cell at a time.”

(Chapter 24, Page 356)

The sudden violence and sense of desperation described in this passage indicate that the climax of the novel is imminent and highlight the degree to which Lachlan has become attached to his wife. Lachlan uses a simile to describe the painful intensity of his feelings, and the imagery of burning foreshadows the specific nature of the danger that Lark currently faces.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Maybe it’s because I already know what’s coming. I can see my path ahead, even in the dark. But Lachlan, I know he’s not ready. He’s caught in a riptide, trying to swim his way free.”

(Chapter 25, Page 363)

This quote illustrates Lark’s growing sense of agency and authenticity. She sees that Lachlan cannot choose to let her go, so for his own good, she chooses for him in an attempt to absolve him of any guilt over what she believes is about to happen. On many occasions in her past, she lost her agency, but now, at the apparent moment of her death, she takes decisive action.

Quotation Mark Icon

“You’re brave as hell. But you’re my person, Lark. I can’t do this without you.”

(Chapter 25, Page 367)

The blunt frankness of this quote emphasizes The Transformative Power of Love and Forgiveness that Lachlan has experienced through his unlikely connection to Lark. Early in the novel, Lachlan only cared for his brothers, but now he cannot imagine living without Lark as well.

Quotation Mark Icon

“This is the feeling I thought we would never have again. The feeling of being intertwined with each other. To stitch together and know it’s not the last time. It’s just the beginning.”

(Chapter 25, Page 368)

This quote reflects Brynne Weaver’s decision to conform to a popular trope within romance novels: one that even dark romance stories tend to adhere to. While the protagonists face many challenges, at the end they still get to enjoy a typical “happily-ever-after” moment.

Quotation Mark Icon

“They hold each other in a crushing embrace. They sway like two trees that have twisted together and weathered storms side by side. Maybe this will be the last big one. A thunderstorm that leaves clean air and vibrant colors behind.”

(Epilogue, Page 379)

This quote uses a metaphor to emphasize the challenges that Lachlan and Lark have overcome in order to form a meaningful bond with one another. This quote also foreshadows the possibility that there could be further challenges coming for Lachlan and Lark in the next installment of the series, Scythe & Sparrow.

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