68 pages 2 hours read

Glennon Doyle (Melton)


Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2020

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics.

Paired Texts & Other Resources

Use these links to supplement and complement students’ reading of the work and to increase their overall enjoyment of literature. Challenge them to discern parallel themes, engage through visual and aural stimuli, and delve deeper into the thematic possibilities presented by the title.

Recommended Texts for Pairing

“The Yellow Wallpaper”

  • a classic feminist short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • demonstrates the slow disintegration of a woman trapped by a stifling marriage
  • compare and contrast with Doyle’s ideas about The Power of Inner Knowing and Society’s Influence on Gender
  • “The Yellow Wallpaper” on SuperSummary

“Boys and Girls”

  • Alice Munro’s classic feminist short story
  • explores the experience of a girl struggling with gender expectations for women
  • compare and contrast with Doyle’s discussion of Society’s Influence on Gender and the “taming” of girls in childhood
  • “Boys and Girls” on SuperSummary


  • an accessible poem by Richard Jones
  • connects thematically to Cycles of Death and Rebirth

“homage to my hips”

  • a brief but powerful poem by Lucille Clifton
  • Compare and contrast Clifton’s perspective on women’s freedom and Society’s Influence on Gender with Doyle’s.

“Burning Down the House”

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