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Nawal El Saadawi

Woman at Point Zero

Fiction | Novella | Adult | Published in 1975

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Character Analysis


Content Warning: This section includes descriptions of child sexual abuse, sexual assault and rape, physical violence, and domestic abuse.

The protagonist of Woman at Point Zero, Firdaus’s story is based on the real-life account of a woman of the same name. Nawal El Saadawi met Firdaus during her final day before her execution and was given the privilege of hearing Firdaus’s story firsthand. Firdaus was convicted of murder and sentenced to death but maintained the belief that women can’t be criminals and that she herself was innocent. She viewed her reaction of murdering her pimp as a symbol of what happens when women are pushed to the brink or reach their “point zero.” Firdaus remains a symbol of resilience and agency in a world that constantly tries to rob women of it. She also symbolizes the effects of patriarchal domination of women and what it means to be free from desire and hypocrisy.

Firdaus’s resilience is evident in her story from the time she’s very young, but she doesn’t develop a sense of agency until she’s much older and discovers what agency truly means. As a child, she was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused, as well as severely neglected, often going hungry and receiving little attention from her parents. She feels distant from her parents, as if she doesn’t belong with them at all, and the way they treat her only distances her further. In addition, she’s abused by her uncle, a man whom she depends on for intellectual nourishment. In young adulthood, Firdaus is forced to marry an abusive, much older man, is thrust onto the street several times, is used by a woman who profits from her services, and is constantly approached and accosted by men wherever she goes. She endures it all, and rather than accepting defeat, arises victorious and without fear of anything.

Her life and the lives of the women around her are entirely shaped by patriarchal ideals. Women are generally expected to stay home and tend to the house, obey their husbands, and accept whatever treatment they receive. They’re also expected to submit to the husband’s sexual desires whenever the husband chooses. Growing up, Firdaus has no women to look up to, to be her role models, or to show her what strength is; instead, she discovers this entirely on her own, and it comes from within. She’s viewed as a sexual object, a vessel, and for a long time is used without receiving anything in return. Eventually, she learns to work for herself, to choose her own clients and prices, and to control her own life. In doing so, she develops agency over her life. At every turn, however, someone attempts to take it from her, and when she’s told (by a client, ironically) that her work is shameful, she experiences a crisis of identity and goes to work in an office. There, however, she discovers that “all women are prostitutes of one kind or another” (91) and that only sex workers are honest about this fact, but that all women participate in it. She decides she’s better off working for herself because at least she can maintain her independence that way.

When Firdaus reaches a point in her life in which she experiences success, stability, and peace, a man again threatens her. This time, it’s a pimp who plans to enslave her and take most of her earnings. Under the threat of violence, Firdaus submits, but only temporarily; when she tries to escape one day, the pimp stops her, but she’s a changed woman. After all the years of being dominated, used, and abused, she explodes in a rush of fury and kills the pimp. Although imprisoned and sentenced to death for his murder, she lives out the rest of her days feeling like a goddess, wishing for nothing and fearing nothing.

Nawal El Saadawi

The author of Woman at Point Zero, Nawal El Saadawi is also a character in the story, given that it’s based on a true account of her interaction with Firdaus during the final hours before her execution for murder. Saadawi’s Preface is from her own perspective, explaining why she chose to write the book:

Firdaus is the story of a woman driven by despair to the darkest of ends. This woman, despite her misery and despair, evoked in all those who, like me, witnessed the final moments of life, a need to challenge and to overcome those forces that deprive human beings of their right to live, to love and to real freedom (iii-iv).

Afterward, the story begins with her many failed attempts to meet Firdaus, the feelings of sheer rejection by the world that accompanied it, and the way that Firdaus’s agreement to meet her seemed to pick her up to heights she had never experienced before: “The sky was blue with a blueness I could capture in my eyes. I held the whole world in my hands; it was mine” (6). Saadawi was studying female prisoners as a psychiatrist and was hoping to hear the unique perspective of Firdaus, a woman who refused to live or to fear dying. Saadawi steps into Firdaus’s cell and is swept up into a dream state as she hears the story of Firdaus’s life. Afterward, she watches as Firdaus is taken away for execution, never faltering for a moment. Saadawi’s narrative captures her admiration for Firdaus’s courage, her resolve, and her refusal to bend for the patriarchy.

Firdaus’s Uncle and His Wife

The story depicts Firdaus’s uncle as someone whose morality is uneven at best and abusive at worst. He provides things for Firdaus that her parents didn’t, such as a stable source of food and the opportunity to attend school, but also refuses to let her attend university, believing it’s for men alone, and robs Firdaus of her ability to feel pleasure at a very young age when he begins molesting her. Her account captures the moment: “I closed my eyes and tried to reach the pleasure I had known before but in vain. It was as if I could no longer recall the exact spot from which it used to arise, or as though a part of me, of my being, was gone and would never return” (15). While Firdaus had experienced pleasure with her childhood friend, the touching she experienced from her uncle was completely different. She felt nothing except cold emptiness and knew instinctively that it was wrong.

When Firdaus’s parents die, her uncle adopts her and they move to Cairo, where he soon marries a woman who clearly dislikes Firdaus. She insists on sending Firdaus to boarding school, and Firdaus rarely hears from her family while there. After graduating, she returns home, but her uncle and his wife force her to marry a retired man over 60 named Sheikh Mahmoud. Not only is Mahmoud much too old for Firdaus’s taste, but he’s also violent, controlling, and “disgusting.” Firdaus tries to seek shelter with her uncle when Mahmoud begins abusing her, but her uncle’s wife simply replies that it’s something she must accept:

She replied that it was precisely men well versed in their religion who beat their wives. The precepts of religion permitted such punishment. A virtuous woman was not supposed to complain about her husband. Her duty was perfect obedience (44).

Miss Iqbal

A teacher at Firdaus’s secondary school, Miss Iqbal is someone for whom Firdaus develops deep feelings of love. One night, Firdaus is sitting out in the playground, reflecting on life and her future. Miss Iqbal approaches her and comforts her by crying along with her. She and Firdaus take each other’s hands and stare into each other’s eyes, and Firdaus experiences the same feelings of love and comfort that she once felt from her mother. The moment is later mirrored in the experience that Firdaus has with Ibrahim. Afterward, Firdaus becomes preoccupied with the thought of Miss Iqbal, constantly searching for her, glancing behind her, and wondering why Miss Iqbal seems only to treat her like the other students. Miss Iqbal also helps Firdaus accept her graduation certificate when she feels frozen to her seat, and when she takes Firdaus’s hands, the same emotions wash over her once more. When Firdaus’s feelings for Miss Iqbal are questioned by her friend, Firdaus replies, “Never” (31). Firdaus’s own denial and lack of understanding about her feelings toward Miss Iqbal is a sign of the repression of the society in which she grew up. When Firdaus leaves secondary school forever, Miss Iqbal is the last thing she thinks about.


The only man that Firdaus ever falls in love with, Ibrahim doesn’t return her love. She meets him at her office job, and he approaches her the same way Miss Iqbal did. While Firdaus is sitting alone, he comes to console her, and they share a tear together before gazing into one another’s eyes. Firdaus feels that familiar and desperate pang again: “It made my body tremble with a deep, distant pleasure, older than the age of remembered life, deeper than the consciousness carried within me throughout” (78). For the next few days, she and Ibrahim spent hours talking and eventually making love. Firdaus thinks she has finally found someone who will comfort her and respect her, but before long she finds out that Ibrahim is marrying someone else. Suddenly, she realizes that Ibrahim was using her for sex and experiences terrible heartbreak. She quits her job and returns to sex work—but this time with a refined perspective on the purpose and nature of sex work. When Ibrahim returns several years later and wants to pay Firdaus for her services, she knows for certain that he never really loved her.

Sharifa Salah el Dine

A female pimp, Sharifa Salah el Dine deceives Firdaus into believing that she’s there to help and save her from the men who have abused her. Sharifa finds Firdaus sitting by the Nile, enjoying the breeze but clearly appearing battered and bruised both by men and by life itself. Sharifa immediately gets the sense of what happened to Firdaus, asking, “What did the son of a dog do to you?” (52), and fakes empathy with Firdaus in order to seduce her into coming to work for her.

When Firdaus first sees Sharifa, she’s struck by the green of her eyes:

The black pupils in the center of her eyes seemed to have turned green, a powerful dark green, like the trees on the bank of the Nile. The waters of the river reflected the green of the trees and flowed by as green as her eyes (51).

Sharifa’s eyes are a reflection of the world around her, and the life she has chosen is her way of gaining power in a corrupt world. Still, Sharifa is dishonest with Firdaus and makes it seem as though she’s saving her, when in fact she just plans to use her for profits. Living with Sharifa, Firdaus hardly leaves her bedroom, instead lying in bed as man after man comes in to meet her. She feels completely devoid of emotion, hope, and at times even thought. Firdaus does learn valuable lessons from Sharifa, including the need for women to harden themselves to survive in a patriarchal society and to be cautious in trusting anyone, even women who claim to understand.